Council’s Family Day Care Scheme offers quality childcare that is based in a home environment. The service can look after children from birth to 12 years of age. We provide small groups which allow children the opportunity to get the individual attention that they need.
The care provided is flexible. Family Day Care can provide full time care or part time care, be on a casual basis, before or after school or kindergarten, cover shift work and in an emergency, provide 24-hour care.
All educators registered with the scheme are closely monitored and must comply with regulatory requirements outlined by the government. They are resourced and supported by the Council.
Family Day Care is sponsored by the Colac Otway Shire Council.
Colac Otway Shire Family Day Care is fully committed to ensuring the safety of children and is part of a Child Safe organisation.
Our service is also registered for Child Care Subsidy which can be obtained through the Centrelink and Family Assistance Office.
Our service has been assessed under the National Quality Standards and has a rating of Meeting the National Quality Standards (for more info regarding the National Quality Standards visit the family section of the ACECQA website
Our service is a member of the Achievement Program which is supported by the Victorian Government and delivered by Cancer Council Victoria.
The program is a framework centred around six key health areas, which include:
- Healthy Eating and Oral Health,
- Physical Activity and Movement,
- Mental Health and Wellbeing,
- Sun Protection,
- Safe Environments,
- Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs.
Each health area has a set of targets to achieve, resulting in healthy changes for our service's physical environment, policies and practices, and health promoting activities.

Using Family Day Care is a great choice for your children, the small group environment will allow your child that one–on-one care they receive at home and give them a great foundation of learning for when they participate in school and kindergarten.
To find out more about Colac Otway Shire Council’s Family Day Care service call into the office and speak to the Family Day Care team directly or collect one of our information packs contact the team:
We are committed to creating and maintaining a child safe environment where protecting children from abuse is embedded in the everyday thinking and practice of our childcare service, the Council, all staff, educators, students and volunteers. Our Service recognises children as active citizens and is committed to advocating for the rights of children as valued members of the community.
Family Day Care Coordination Unit, 2-6 Rae Street Colac, Telephone: 0352329400
We are also available via email familydaycare@colacotway.vic.gov.au
Family Day Care Handbook Parents(PDF, 191KB) & Carers
Family Day Care Individual Child Enrolment Form(PDF, 433KB)
Family Day Care - Family Application & Agreement Form(PDF, 426KB)
If you enjoy working with children, and want to make a difference in their lives by providing quality care and learning experiences from your own nurturing home environment, then family day care could be your career of choice!
Being a FDC Educator is a very rewarding and fulfilling career choice. It provides you with a flexible work arrangements and an opportunity to work with a small group of children in a homelike environment.
You have the support of Council’s coordination unit and access to a wide range of resources and training opportunities.
Before you can work as a Family Day Care educator, you must:
- be at least 18 years old
- have and maintain a current Working with Children Check
- have and maintain a current National Criminal History Check
- have and maintain evidence of current public liability insurance at your residence
- have and maintain current approved first aid, anaphylaxis and emergency asthma management qualification/s
- have or be actively working towards, an approved Certificate III level qualification in Children Services, or higher. For more information, visit the Australian’s Children Education & Care Quality Authority website
Your Home
The FDC Coordination Unit must assess your home before you start providing education and care, and must reassess it at least every year.
The Coordination Unit must ensure that the parts of your home to be used to provide education and care are safe, clean and in good repair.
The Coordination Unit must ensure there is enough furniture, materials and developmentally-appropriate equipment for the children in your care.
Your home must be a safe and secure environment for the children in your care including ensuring but not limited to:
- indoor spaces are well ventilated with enough natural light and a temperature is maintained that ensures the safety, health and wellbeing of children.
- any glassed area accessible to children that is of or below the height above floor level, specified by AS 1288-2006 Glass in buildings—Selection and installation, or is 0.75 metres or less above floor level (if venue or residence approved before 1 June 2014) must be glazed with safety glass (if the Building Code of Australia requires this) OR in any other case, glass must be treated with a product that prevents glass from shattering if broken or guarded by barriers that prevent a child from striking or falling against it.
- all outdoor space used by children is enclosed by a fence or barrier that is of a height and design that prevents children of preschool age or under from going through, over or under
- a first aid kit that is suitably equipped and easily recognisable is readily accessible to adults
- every reasonable precaution must be taken to protect children from harm and from any hazard likely to cause injury.
- there is access to an operating telephone or other similar means of communication for immediate communication to and from parents and emergency services.
If you are interested in knowing more about becoming a FDC Educator, please call the Family Day Care Coordination Unit on 52329400. Educator packs can also be obtained from our office.
Family Day Care Educator Position Description(PDF, 367KB)
Would you like to be a Relief FDC Educator?
Would you like to be a Family Day Care Educator but are unable to provide Family Day Care in your current residence or current family circumstances would make it difficult to do so.
being a Relief Educator maybe your solution.
There are times when our current Educators may like to go on holidays, attend a school or family function or participate in professional development training. To do this they would have to close their service for that period of time and their current FDC families would not have available childcare.
To try and elevate those pressures on both Educators and families we hope that with a Relief Educator being able to fill in for the Educators families would still be able to use their existing childcare and the Educator would be able to have some time off knowing that their families would have uninterrupted care.
If you are looking for casual work and are comfortable working in someone else's home then this position could be right for you.
Please complete the Relief Educator Application Form and email it to familydaycare@colacotway.vic.gov.au
Family Day Care Educator Application Form(PDF, 3MB)
Family Day Care Educators Information Booklet(PDF, 241KB)
Family Day Care Educator Reliever Application(PDF, 217KB)
All Family Day Care Educators who work for our service work within a fee structure that is governed by Colac Otway Shire.
Service Fees include:
- Hourly rate for standard hours of care 8:00am – 6:00pm
- Hourly rate for non-standard hours of care 6:00pm – 8:00am
- Meals
- Travel
Colac Otway Service Family Day care charge an administration Levy to families for the use of the service.
Child Care Subsidy is available to help reduce the cost of your childcare fees.
Parents and Guardians must inform Centrelink that they are using an approved childcare service to claim Child Care Subsidy.
Family Day Care Fee-Schedule 2024-2025(PDF, 137KB)
(PDF, 137KB)What is the Child Care Subsidy - DET Fact Sheet(PDF, 554KB)
- We believe in contributing to sustainable practices within our service and caring for the environment.
- We are inclusive of children with “all” abilities.
- We are a child safe organisation that listens and values children's input to give them a voice, promoting participation, empowerment and engagement of children through our service and programs
- We recognize that all children are unique and deserve to be respected.
- We believe in providing a nurturing, warm, welcoming and safe environment for children to thrive and learn.
- We respect the special relationship between children & their families & incorporate this in all our interactions with children.
- We acknowledge that our community has a diverse range of cultures, values and beliefs which is reflected in our interactions with Families, Children, Educators and the Community.
- We are proud of “our” service in the way that it is a nurturing family environment.
- We will respect the privacy & confidentiality of individuals & families
- We acknowledge and support the personal strengths, professional experiences & diversity which our colleagues bring to their work and to us as a team.
- We will work together in sharing our goals & practices to achieve the best outcomes for every child in our care.