What is Amendment C97 and what will it do?
Amendment C97 is an amendment to the Colac Otway Planning Scheme which proposes to implement the key land use planning directions of the Colac 2050 Growth Plan by updating planning policy. It also proposes to replace the current Colac Framework Plan with the Colac 2050 Framework Plan. This updated Plan identifies a revised urban boundary, which will contain development within a defined area. It also seeks to improve the overall urban structure, connectivity and walkability of the town.
Specifically, the Amendment will:
- Amend Clause 21.01 Municipal Profile to update population estimates based on 2016 Census results.
- Amend Clause 21.02 Vision to update the vision for Colac consistent with the Colac 2050 Growth Plan.
- Amend Clause 21.03 Settlement to incorporate the key objectives, strategies, and implementation for the Colac 2050 Growth Plan including an updated Colac Framework Plan.
- Amend Clause 21.06 Implementation to remove reference to implementation related to Colac.
- Amend Clause 21.07 Reference Documents to include reference to the Colac 2050 Growth Plan 2018 and the Colac Stormwater Development Strategy 2018.
The Exhibition version of the Amendment documents and draft Colac 2050 Growth Plan can be viewed here
The exhibition version of the Colac 2050 Framework Plan with street names can be viewed here(PDF, 3MB)
Council adoption of the Amendment
Council formally adopted Amendment C97 at its Ordinary meeting on 28 August 2019. Council also adopted the Colac 2050 Growth Plan at that meeting. The final Growth Plan can be accessed here Colac 2050 Growth Plan Final Adopted August 2019(PDF, 31MB) The Amendment will now be forwarded to the Minister for Planning for his approval.
Can I view hard copies of the Amendment C97 documents and draft Colac 2050 Growth Plan?
Yes, the Amendment is available for public inspection, free of charge, during office hours at Colac Otway Shire during standard office hours, 2-6 Rae Street, Colac.
How will Amendment C97 affect my land?
Amendment C97 will not affect any current planning scheme zone or overlay controls which apply to your land. It does however change the strategic land use direction for many parcels of land into the future and you should refer to the Colac 2050 Framework Plan to see whether this is the case for your land. Council officers are available to help if you need assistance to understand the Plan.
For Council to use the policy directions of the draft Colac 2050 Growth Plan, it is necessary to implement it through the Colac Otway Planning Scheme. The proposed Amendment C97 seeks to implement the key land-use planning directions of the Colac 2050 Growth Plan into the Colac Otway Planning Scheme by updating relevant parts of the Municipal Strategic Statement. This allows Council to draw on Colac 2050’s key directions to make decisions about planning matters in Colac.
The Colac Otway Shire can then use the Colac 2050 Growth Plan to determine the application of local planning policies, planning zones and overlays. It will guide its consideration of rezoning proposals, and applications for planning permits.
Council will also use the Plan to inform the future provision of infrastructure and services in the town, and the development of projects to implement key strategic directions.
The Amendment will replace the current Colac Framework Plan in the Planning Scheme with the Colac 2050 Framework Plan. This updated Plan identifies a revised urban boundary which will contain development within a defined area, and seeks to improve the overall urban structure, connectivity, and walkability of the town. The Framework Plan is shown in this brochure.
There is no rezoning of land proposed by the Amendment C97. Rezoning of land will occur at a later date in accordance with the Colac 2050 Growth Plan.
Why do we need Colac 2050?
The draft Colac 2050 Growth Plan is a response to the G21 Regional Growth Plan prepared by the G21 Regional Growth Alliance in 2013. The G21 Regional Growth Plan sets Colac an aspirational population target of 20,000 people by 2050 and forms part of State planning policy.
Colac 2050 aims to facilitate this aspirational population target by ensuring:
- The provision of appropriately located and serviced residential land (and associated servicing infrastructure) whilst preserving the social, environmental and heritage assets which add value to Colac as a place to live and invest.
- That Colac is a vibrant and enjoyable place to live with the provision of adequate community facilities, open space, and infrastructure.
State planning policy requires that Council plan to accommodate at least 15 years of residential growth across the Shire, and ensure orderly planning through structure planning.
The key aim of the Colac 2050 Growth Plan is to spatially identify where residential growth should occur. This will require Council in partnership with the community to consider a diverse range of issues. It is an important and exciting part of mapping Colac’s future. We encourage you as members of the community to get involved to help shape Colac’s future.
The purpose of the Colac 2050 Growth Plan is to:
- Set out a vision for Colac.
- Establish principles, directions and recommendations for growth.
- Identify the key strategic planning issues facing the city, including community aspirations and needs.
- Describe the preferred future directions and the location of an urban boundary in the framework plan which identifies the medium and long term growth.
- Identify the appropriate planning controls to manage growth.
- Set out an implementation plan with recommendations, priorities, actions and processes required to make the plan happen.
Who prepared the draft Colac 2050 Growth Plan?
The Colac 2050 Growth Plan was prepared by the Colac Otway Shire Council in partnership with Regional Development Victoria and the Colac Otway community.
Why is the Colac 2050 Growth Plan referred to as a draft?
The Colac 2050 Growth Plan is currently considered a draft. This is because it is currently on public exhibition and may be amended following further feedback from the community and other interested stakeholders via a public submissions process. Any changes recommended as a result of public submissions will be presented to Council for consideration at a general Council meeting where Council will have the option to adopt the Plan with or without changes.
The Colac 2050 Growth Plan includes a Part B - Implementation Plan which contains a table identifying all of the recommendations from the Growth Plan and puts them into a framework for action. The type of actions required to implement the Growth Plan vary and include:
- Changes to the Colac Otway Planning Scheme
- Preparation of Masterplans and other strategic work around specific issues
- Council partnering with other agencies where required to bring a recommendation to fruition
- Submissions to the Commonwealth or State Governments to attract funding for various projects
- Capital works
Amendment C97 to the Colac Otway Planning Scheme is the first planning scheme amendment which has been prepared to implement the overarching principles and directions of the Growth Plan. It is currently on public exhibition and you can refer to the FAQs for Amendment C97 to find out more detail about this.
What is the Colac Stormwater Development Strategy?
Council has also completed the draft Colac Stormwater Development Strategy 2018 which is being exhibited at the same time. It is important to note, that whilst Council has exhibited these strategies at the same time, they are different projects. Further information about the Strategy can be found here.
Council considered all submissions received at a Special Council Meeting on Wednesday 20 March 2019.
Council resolved to refer all submissions to an independent Planning Panel for consideration.
A Panel was appointed by the Minister for Planning through Planning Panels Victoria.
Tim Hellsten (Chair) and Rachel O'Neill were appointed as the Panel.
The Panel:
heard from submitters in an independent forum
were informal and not like a court, where possible
have given fair, unbiased advice to Council and the Minister for Planning about the Amendment.
Submissions and other information throughout the process, including the Hearing, has been treated as public documents.
The Hearing process included a Directions Hearing and the Hearing.
A Directions Hearing was held on 15 April 2019.
The Hearing was held on 27 to 28 May 2019 in COPACC.
Panel Process
The Panel requested that Council lodge a Part A submission which primarily covers background information to the Amendment. The Panel also requested that Council prepare a Panel version of the exhibited Colac 2050 Framework Plan which splits the information in the plan into two maps. In response to these directions, the following information has been tendered to the Panel on behalf of Council:
Part A Submission(PDF, 1MB)
Post Exhibition Framework Plan(PDF, 1MB)
Panel Version of Framework - Map 1(PDF, 710KB)
Panel Version of Framework - Map 2(PDF, 685KB)
This was followed by Council's Part B and Part C submission which were presented at the Hearing.
Part B Submission(PDF, 3MB)
Part C Submission(PDF, 311KB)
Panel Report
The Panel's report is now available below.
Panel Report - Revised(PDF, 3MB)
The Colac Otway Shire Council will consider the Panel's report at the Ordinary Council meeting on Wednesday 28 August 2019, as required by Section 27 of the Planning and Environment Act, 1987.
Pursuant to the Planning and Environment Act 1987, please be aware that copies of submissions received may be made available to any person for the purpose of consideration as part of the amendment process and will become public documents for the duration of the amendment process.
Please contact Strategic Planning Unit during business hours on 03 5232 9400 or email to: inq@colacotway.vic.gov.au