Apollo Bay, Skenes Creek, Marengo Community Infrastructure Plan

The Apollo Bay, Skenes Creek and Marengo Community Infrastructure Plan (CIP) presents a long-term vision and concept plans for key infrastructure within Apollo Bay, Skenes Creek and Marengo over the next 20-30 years.
It was developed as a partnership project between Colac Otway Shire Council (Council) and the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority (the Authority).
Key features of the CIP are:
- A District Plan – outlines primary linkages between town activity nodes and destinations (recreational trails, walking and cycling connections).
- Foreshore Masterplans – for Skenes Creek foreshore, the Apollo Bay central foreshore and Marengo foreshore.
- Streetscape Plans – for the Great Ocean Road and Pascoe Street, between Thomson Street and Nelson Street (including Hardy Street, Moore Street and McLaren Parade) in the commercial heart of Apollo Bay.
- Design Guidelines – for the Apollo Bay Streetscape.
- Harbour Development Plan (this element was finalised and adopted by Council in December 2020).
Following a public exhibition process, the CIP was adopted by Council on 26 April 2023 with changes responding to submissions from the community. Key features of the adopted plan include:
- Retention of the existing two way Great Ocean Road through central Apollo Bay - the draft Plan had proposed an alternative option for one way travel along Great Ocean Road and Pascoe Street.
- A proposed change to bus parking for tourist buses including a drop-off zone on Great Ocean Road and temporary bus parking in Pascoe Street.
- Proposed concept plans for improved streetscapes in central Apollo Bay, including better pedestrian and cyclist facilities, wider footpaths and new street planting.
- Long term aspirational improvements to foreshore areas in the three towns with an emphasis on pedestrian and cyclist movement. Council responded to submissions by including a commitment to work with the community for a safe pedestrian and cyclist link (or links) between Apollo Bay, Wild Dog Creek Road and Skenes Creek campground.
- Retaining the proposed Apollo Bay Foreshore Trail to Harbour pedestrian link (it is noted that this is a Colac Otway Shire Council position that is not supported at the current time by the State Government).
- A commitment to retain the Petanque pitch / gravel car park in its current location on the Apollo Bay foreshore
- Expressing Council support for the strong community view to retain the Apollo Bay Skate Park in its current location on the central foreshore, and maintained or redeveloped in line with contemporary standards.
The Authority will consider adoption of the CIP at its June 2023 Board meeting.
Many of the proposed infrastructure improvements in the CIP are aspirational commitments and do not have current funding or regulatory approval. Many proposals will require further investigation and design, and will rely on future budget commitments and financial contributions from other levels of government. The Authority will have responsibility for implementation of improvements on coastal Crown land.
Please find the the CIP Reports under the links below:
CIP Council Adopted Master Plan Report - Overview - Low-Resolution(PDF, 1MB)
CIP Council Final Master Plan Report Combined - Low Resolution(PDF, 12MB)
CIP Council Final Master Plan Report Part A - District Plan - Low Resolution(PDF, 7MB)
CIP Council Final-Master Plan Report Part B - Foreshore MP - Low Resolution(PDF, 5MB)