The Colac Customer Service Centre will relocate temporarily to the Colac Visitor Information Centre located at the corner of Murray and Queen Streets.
Temporary Relocation of Customer Service
Urgent issues or incidents can be reported to Colac Otway Shire Council 24-hours a day on 5232 9400.
Memorial Square fronting Murray Street is within the heart of Colac's CBD. This block of parkland has been dedicated to those who served in the First World War and features a striking stone memorial.
Construction of the a playspace was completed in December 2021 and officially opened on 6 May 2022. The new Memorial Square Playspace is a multi-aged, bespoke playspace that enlivens Colac’s civic and business heart, and inspires young people to engage in imaginative play; whilst simultaneously activating and working in harmony with our shire’s most significant war memorial.
Murray Street, Colac 3250 View Map
Murray Street , Colac 3250
While the Memorial Square Playspace is redeveloped here are some other play grounds near by to visit:
Eastern Reserve
Wyuna Estate
Petjuli Playspace
Colac Botanic Gardens
Western Bay Playspace