Street Trading fees to be waived or refunded to aid business recovery
Published on 19 April 2022
As part of its COVID recovery initiatives, Council will be refunding (or waiving) its street furniture annual permit charge for the 2021-22 financial year, thanks to Victorian Government funding under its outdoor activation program.
“We hope giving 208 businesses in our shire one less bill will provide a boost as we head into our COVID recovery phase,” said Ian Seuren, GM Development and Community Services.
For businesses who have already paid the permit fee, a refund can be arranged with Council via the return of a hardcopy form sent out to business owners last week.
No credits will be applied and refunds will be made available prior to the end of the 2021-22 financial year to meet the tax accounting cycles of businesses.
For those who have yet to pay their overdue street furniture permit charge, Council has sent letters communicating that it will waive the fee.
The permit includes street furniture – including heaters, planter boxes, umbrellas, tables and chairs, as well as footpath signage and furniture for street trading displays, such as trestle tables, shelves and boxes.
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