Snapshot of August Council Meeting
Published on 25 August 2022
Snapshot of the Colac Otway Shire Council August meeting
To keep our community up to date with key Council decisions, outcomes and plans, please see the below snapshot summary from Council’s Wednesday 24 August Council meeting.
Domestic Wastewater Management Plan and Asset Management Policy for Adoption
Council’s Asset Management Policy and Domestic Wastewater Management Plan (DWMP) were both adopted at the August Council Meeting, giving Council strategic direction to ensure its services and assets meet the changing needs of the community and evolving environmental and financial conditions.
Read the full media release on the adoption of the DWMP and Asset Management Policy
Adoption of Council’s first Public Toilet Strategy
Council’s first Public Toilet Strategy was adopted, providing a framework for decision-making regarding the provision, management and maintenance of public toilet facilities in Colac Otway Shire over the next ten years and includes recommendations for asset rationalisation, addressing key gaps in the network and providing a framework to determine provision and management responsibilities between Council and other parties.
Read the full media release on the adoption of Council’s first Public Toilet Strategy
Combined amendment C111cola and Planning Permit Application
On 14 June 2022, an independent planning panel appointed by the Minister for Planning, conducted a public hearing to hear from the parties involved in a combined amendment and planning permit application for the Red Rock Region Theatre and Art Gallery expansion proposal, including one submitter. The Panel report supported the amendment and grant of a planning permit generally as presented to the Panel, with minor amendments to the permit conditions. Council considered the report and resolved to adopt the amendment. The amendment will now be forwarded to the Minister for Planning for approval.
2022 National General Assembly in Canberra and MAV State Council Meeting Delegate Reports
Council had strong representation at the 2022 Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) meeting in Canberra, which saw approximately 900 councillor, CEOs and staff registered. Delegates from Council also attended the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) State Council Meeting.
Read the media release summary of the ALGA NGA meeting or the full reports from delegates to these meetings in the August Council Meeting Agenda.
Foot and Mouth Disease Advocacy for Action
Councillor Chris Potter put forward a Notice of Motion towards advocacy for action on the threat of Foot and Mouth disease (FMD), one of the most serious livestock diseases in the world that affects cloven hoofed animals including cattle, sheep and pigs. It has not been detected in Australia for over 100 years but has recently been detected in Indonesia, a close neighbour and trading partner and popular tourist destination. Council resolved to write to the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry to advocate for continuing increased measures to prevent an outbreak of FMD and raise awareness of FMD.
All Council meetings are live-streamed, and archived recordings are available on the Council website for viewing.
The agenda for the next meeting will be available online the Friday prior to the meeting.