Safety works to continue at Warrowie Road intersection

Published on 28 March 2019

Warrowie Road McKays Road.JPG

Safety works to continue at Warrowie Road intersection

Colac Otway Shire Council will continue safety upgrade works this week at the intersection of Warrowie, McKays and Ryans Road at Irrewarra.

An independent Road Safety Audit at the Warrowie Road intersection recommended improved signage and permanent speed restrictions on the Ryans and McKays roads.

General Manager of Infrastructure and Leisure Services Tony McGann said Council was also doing additional work in an effort to make the intersection safer.

“Council is acting on recommendations made by the Road Safety Audit and making further safety improvements to the Warrowie Road intersection.

“We have removed a number of trees on the north east corner that were restricting visibility, which has already improved the intersection.

“Work we’re aiming to complete this week includes repainting stop and give way lines at the intersection; installing ‘Reduce Speed’ signs at McKays Road and Ryans Road and upgrading the existing curved cross roads signage.

“Council will also be installing rumble strips and rumble strip signage on McKays Road and Ryans Road on the approach to the Warrowie Road intersection,” Mr McGann said.  

In addition to improvement works being completed, Council is seeking VicRoads’ approval to introduce a speed limit reduction on Warrowie Road and the installation of stop and reduce speed vehicle-activated flashing signs.

“Council is aware of community concerns with regards to safety of this intersection.

“We’re continuing to work with VicRoads to obtain their approval for Council to reduce the speed limit at this section of Warrowie Road from 100 kilometres an hour to 80 kilometres an hour,” Mr McGann said.

“Council also hopes to get approval from VicRoads to install vehicle-activated signs which trigger flashing lights to caution drivers on the need to slow down or stop as they approach the intersection, depending which direction a driver is travelling from.”