Preparing for upcoming rates notices
Published on 27 July 2022
Rates notices will be sent to ratepayers throughout the shire from August 15 and Council encourages people to update their mailing details (if necessary) online or through our customer service centres by August 4, especially if they have moved house in the last 12 months. Once you have received a rates notice, it’s also possible to register to receive rates notices electronically via eNotices or Bpay.
“Revenue from rates is used to provide over 60 services across the shire, however people access the services at different stages of life,” said chief executive officer Anne Howard.
“So, while you may not need early childhood or aged care services right now, it may be something you or family members need some day. Other services, such as roads and waste services help our whole community nearly every day.
“Many of the services are also non-profit services that private enterprises don’t provide, while others are provided through legislative requirements to ensure public safety and amenity.
“Spreading the cost of services through rates dramatically reduces it for the people who need it the most.”
The rates burden is distributed based on property valuations, along with the type and location of the property, however large increases in valuations do not mean a significant increase in rate income for Council. This is because the total revenue to be collected by Council is set through the budget and limited by the Fair Go Rates System, which has capped the average rate increases at 1.75% for this financial year.
These property valuations are based on Capital Improved Value of a property and are an estimate of market value of the property, whether residential or commercial, as at 1 January each year. The valuations are conducted by Professional Valuers on behalf of the Valuer-General Victoria and are informed by sales data across the Shire from the previous 12 months.
Changes to the valuation of an individual property will determine if the property pays more or less than the average rate increase compared to similar types of properties, in accordance with Council’s Rating Strategy
The rates notices will explain how ratepayers can find information, query the amount, and even object if they believe that something is incorrect. Property owners have the right to object to the property valuations or the Australian Valuation Property Classification Code (AVPCC) as shown on their notice. Objections need to be lodged within two months of the notice and are independently assessed.
Enquiries in relation to valuations and rates can be directed to Council’s Rates department on 5232 9400 or