Major upgrades continue across Colac Otway
Published on 15 February 2019
Major upgrades continue across Colac Otway
A focus on maintenance, revitalisation and renewal of Colac Otway’s community facilities and roads is continuing, with a revamp of Colac’s Yacht Club and Sea Scout Hall and Apollo Bay Harbour’s parking area still to come.
Colac Otway Shire Mayor Jason Schram said work on the Lake Colac foreshore, as part of the stage one Master Plan, was continuing and he was also pleased to see the road resealing and drainage program across the shire progressing well over summer.
Cr Schram said over the past eight months, Council had achieved a great deal along the lake foreshore which the community had appreciated, given the significant increase in locals and tourists using the foreshore for recreation.
“Our foreshore works program started with reinstating and resurfacing the path at the bird sanctuary which has made it safe and accessible for bicycles and prams as well as walkers,” he said.
“Council then repaired the walking path from bird sanctuary to Stodart Park, trimmed trees, cleared overgrown vegetation, repaired the jetty near the boat ramp, removed the old arbours around the Barongarook Creek area and replaced a bridge over the Barongarook Creek.
“Seating along the foreshore has been replaced or painted, reeds removed along the lake’s edge, older and dangerous pine trees removed between the rowing club and Colac Botanic Gardens and the area has been prepared for replanting natives in the cooler weather.
“Council cleared more than 10 tonne of debris from along the Queens Avenue embankment, the footpath along the avenue is nearing completion, the Rowing Club has been repaired and painted externally, and the nearby car park has been sealed.
“Our plan is to continue the foreshore program including repair, restore and paint the Sea Scouts Hall and Colac Yacht Club building, remove old trees in the Hamilton Street area and revegetate with natives before the end of the financial year.
“Recent improvements at Colac’s Memorial Square, including repairs to the watering system, new lights and security cameras and more picnic tables and seats, are complete and Council has secured State Government funding for a new play space at Memorial Square,” Cr Schram said.
“Council will also continue advocating for funding for the second stages of Colac’s Memorial Square Master Plan and Lake Colac Foreshore Master Plan in the lead up to this year’s Federal Election.”
Council’s Service and Operations Manager Frank Castles said Council had also completed major drainage and road work restoration across Birregurra including grading and rolling of road verges and trimming of vegetation.
“Council’s drainage improvement work has also included Cants Road in Colac and Gellibrand’s main street,” Mr Castles said.
“There are new seats and lighting along Apollo Bay’s main street, and nine solar compaction bins in place.
“Council has continued with improvements at the Apollo Bay Harbour including installation of a new boom gate, new navigational lights, new handrails, the reinstatement of dredge pipes and significant dredging work.
“Council has called for tenders to reseal the habour boat trailer parking area and we expect the work to be complete by mid-year.
“Warrowie Road has been reconstructed and we are hoping to install new signs and a permanent speed reduction at the McKays Road intersection as soon as we obtain Regional Roads Victoria approval,” he said.
“Railway Street in Colac has been resealed, Colac-Bungador Road has been reconstructed and Council is completing its gravel road resheeting program.”
Mr Castles said Council’s Service and Operations Unit’s road reconstruction program, drainage and culverts was focused on best practice construction and methods; “let’s fix it properly the first time”.