Great Ocean Road | notice of road closure 28 - 31 May 2018

Published on 30 April 2018

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Great Ocean Road | notice of road closure
28 - 31 May 2018

VicRoads advises, following landslides that closed the road in September 2016, there is now a pressing need to make extensive repairs to a 2km section of the road at Mount Defiance. This is a section of the road that is high and narrow, in an area where there is not enough room to safely run traffic alongside machinery and road

Given the amount of work VicRoads need to do, a planned
4 day/night roadwork blitz will take place between
Monday 28 May – Thursday 31 May. During this time, VicRoads will detour Great Ocean Road traffic. Access to all towns will remain open while the detour is in place.

This work is critical to improving the long-term future of the road and keeping everyone safe.

VicRoads are working with residents, emergency services, schools, traders/operators, tourism bodies and authorities to ensure visitors and locals alike can access all services along the coast.

For more information, sign up for project updates at phone 5225 2501 or email