Go ahead for $1.6 million landslip project at Separation Creek
Published on 03 May 2018
Go ahead for $1.6 million landslip stabilisation project at Separation Creek
Urgent landslip stabilisation works will begin along Stanway Drive in Separation Creek within weeks after Councillors voted to push ahead with the $1.6 million project yesterday.
The project was first considered at Council’s Ordinary Meeting in March and then again last month, with Councillors keen to ensure all options were explored and further property-owner consultation undertaken.
Mayor Joe McCracken said 11 landowners in the immediate vicinity of Stanway Drive had been contacted to discuss the design of the project and the way the works would be managed in relation to property access and environmental issues.
He said some residents had raised concerns about the works and these had been discussed with those owners and designs reviewed with Council’s geotechnical consultants.
“A severe rain event in September 2016 resulted in flooding and ongoing landslips along Stanway Drive in Separation Creek and further landslips have subsequently occurred,” Cr McCracken said.
“The area was impacted by the Christmas Day bushfires in 2015 and our geotechnical consultants advised it has not yet recovered and is therefore susceptible to further landslide.
“This project is considered urgent as landslips are more likely when dried ground is subjected to the first large rain event of the year, which is usually this time of year.”
Cr McCracken said all but $84,000 of the $1.6 million project cost had been secured under the Federal Government’s Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA).
He said a drainage component had not been approved for NDRRA funding, but would be funded by the Council’s Urban Drainage Renewal Program.
“Given the advice received from our geotechnical engineers, that further landslips could be expected if these works are not carried out, there is a risk to life and property that must be addressed,” he said.
“The tender was yesterday awarded to Geotech, which proposes to commence works in mid-May, with a proposed completion date of July 31.
“The work involves landslip stabilisation using rock beaching, soil nailing, netting and erosion control matting and planting, underground drainage pipes and pits, roadworks including kerb and channel and road pavement construction.”
Cr McCracken said once the project was completed by Geotech, more than 6000 indigenous plants would be planted in the rock gaps and soil nailed areas.
He said the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (CCMA) and Department of Environment, Water, Land and Planning (DELWP) supported the project and had provided necessary approvals in writing.
“We are really confident we’ve been through a thorough process and that the best treatment has been chosen to address the land stability, as well as the environmental and aesthetic outcomes required for the area,” he said.
“The alternative put forward by one of the property owners was given proper consideration, but was ultimately deemed to not be effective in addressing the issue of soil moving down the slope.
“Our consultant has advised that the work to be completed is based on a long term solution to the land stability problem that exists.”