Feedback needed on amphitheatre and arts/market precinct idea

Published on 22 August 2018

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Feedback needed on foreshore amphitheatre and arts/market precinct idea

Community members are being asked to have their say on a proposed amphitheatre or sound shell, in addition to an arts and market precinct for Colac – both potentially mooted for the lake foreshore.

Colac Otway Shire Council has launched an online survey to garner community views on the projects, following Councillor Jason Schram’s motion at the Ordinary Council Meeting last month.

The survey also seeks feedback on whether CFA training facilities at the foreshore should be relocated to accommodate the projects, in addition to other improvements in the Lake Colac Foreshore Master Plan.

Cr Schram said engaging the community was critical in making sure an appropriate vision was realised for the foreshore area that could open it up to more and more users and maximise its potential.

“The idea of an amphitheatre or sound shell came from the community and I think it’s a fantastic idea that could really activate the foreshore and benefit not only the arts community, but lots of groups,” he said.

“What’s really important to me though is that we engage as many people as possible in relation to the development of community infrastructure like this. It was poignant that, in order to get views about that project, that we also took the opportunity to seek feedback on the CFA fire track and whether it should be relocated to facilitate development of the area.”

Cr Schram said the survey took 5-10 minutes and the results would be collated to help the Council form a view in relation to the amphitheatre/sound shell and an arts and market precinct ideas.

“It’s all tied into the same theme so we’ve taken the opportunity to survey people on all these ideas at the same time, so I’m really looking forward to lots of responses and seeing what people think,” he said.

“There’s questions to assess support, or not, for the soundstage, where it could be located, who would use it, whether it would contribute to tourism, events, the attractiveness of the town and whether other infrastructure would be required to support it such as toilets, change rooms and a green room,” he said.

“Then there’s the fire track and training facilities and what should happen to them moving forward. If they were relocated, we need to know whether ratepayers are prepared to fund that and where their new home should be.”

Cr Schram said he was personally keen to see the CFA area turned into an arts and markets precinct, but the survey was broad and gave people the opportunity to choose other locations for such a development.

“This is about getting as many views as we can and I would urge everyone to take the time to complete this survey and have their say.”

The survey can be found at  and will close on October 3. People or groups can alternatively provide a written submission via email to or mail to PO Box 283, Colac. These submissions will be considered along with the survey responses.