Draft strategy guides future of arts and cultural activities in Colac

Published on 30 January 2018


Draft strategy guides future of arts and cultural activities in Colac Otway Shire

Colac Otway Shire Council aims to create a connected and engaged community with a reputation for supporting and celebrating its artists and creative industries as part of a new draft strategy.

The draft Creative Colac Otway – Arts and Culture Strategy 2018-2022 sets the framework for enhancing the liveability of the shire through music, film, visual art, festivals, events and literature.

Mayor Joe McCracken said the draft strategy provided a prioritised and costed action plan to guide Council’s future provision of arts, heritage and culture services. 

“Council recognises the value of arts and cultural initiatives in supporting community cohesion and generating community pride, as well as fostering economic development and tourist visitation,” he said.

“This strategy aims to guide Council to service the needs and interest of our community through the planning and implementation of arts and cultural programs, activities, events and projects.”

Four key themes emerged from community participation in earlier consultation and have provided structure for the draft strategy’s action plan:

  1. Quality cultural facilities and community spaces.
  2. Activation – increase participation in arts and cultural activity.
  3. Support and advocacy of artists and creative industries.
  4. Creativity, social cohesion and connections.

Cr McCracken encouraged anyone interested in fostering the development of arts and culture to provide feedback on the draft strategy.

“While the draft strategy was informed by a strong level of engagement and feedback from the community, it’s equally as important that our community reviews the draft and makes submissions to guide us before a final strategy is presented to Council in the future.”

Electronic copies of the strategy can be downloaded from www.colacotway.vic.gov.au or hard copies can be viewed at Council’s customer service centres and public libraries in Colac and Apollo Bay until Tuesday 13 March 2018.

Comments can be emailed to inq@colacotway.vic.gov.au with the subject heading ‘Creative Colac Otway’; or mailed to PO Box 283, Colac, Victoria, 3250. Comments close on 13 March, 2018.