Colac Otway Recycle Champion!
Published on 13 November 2018
Colac Otway recycle champion!
It’s Recycling Week and we’re on the look-out for a local recycling champion! Colac Otway Shire Council is encouraging everyone to get involved in recycling week, at home, at work, at school and in the community.
The more we recycle, the more we reduce waste going to landfill – it’s important to know what goes where, and get it right on bin night.
What do you need to do?
Send us your best selfie and show off your awesome recycling skills to the whole community. Get creative with your ideas about reducing our impact on the environment - show us how!
A Colac Otway recycle champion can be a local resident, a business, a school – all ideas and suggestions should be in the spirit of promoting recycling.
Selfies showing recycling in action will be promoted by Council, so make sure yours is a happy-recycling-snap that will inspire others to do the right thing!
Send us your Colac Otway Recycle Champion pics to (make sure pics are less than 3MB in size) or in a direct message to our Facebook page
We’ll be showcasing our best Colac Otway Recycle Champions through local media through Recycling Week and beyond!
Click the link to read terms of conditions of submitting an entry to become the Colac Otway Recycle Champion(PDF, 221KB)