The Colac Customer Service Centre will relocate temporarily to the Colac Visitor Information Centre located at the corner of Murray and Queen Streets.
Temporary Relocation of Customer Service
Urgent issues or incidents can be reported to Colac Otway Shire Council 24-hours a day on 5232 9400.
Published on 16 July 2020
The Community Satisfaction Survey is conducted annually, coordinated by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning on behalf of Council, to ask the opinion of locals about living, working and playing in Colac Otway Shire.
The following are where you, Colac Otway Shire residents, rated Council service areas highly:
These are the service areas you identified Council can improve:
Colac Otway Shire Council thanks all those who were contacted and participated in the survey. To view the complete report of Community Satisfaction Survey Results, visit: