Legal Point of Discharge - stormwater

The Legal Point of Discharge (LPoD) is a point specified by Council where stormwater from a property must be discharged. This point is usually a Council stormwater drain, street kerb and channel or a roadside drain.

The property owner is responsible for ensuring the stormwater drainage from the property is connected to a LPoD as well as the maintenance of the drain between the property and the LPoD.

Applying for a LPoD does not provide information relating to the internal private drainage system on a property.


Applying for a Legal Point of Discharge

To apply for a LPoD, complete and return the Stormwater Legal Point of Discharge(PDF, 267KB) application form to:

  • Email –  
  • Post – Colac Otway Shire, PO Box 283, COLAC VIC  3250  
  • Bring the form to a Council Customer Service Centre

The completed application form should be accompanied by the application fee prescribed on the form.

The applicant should receive Council’s response within 14 days of the application and payment being received by Council.


Stormwater Connection within the Road Reserve

If the legal point of discharge for a property is within a road reserve, construction or alterations to the property connection requires a permit for works within a road reserve(PDF, 585KB).