The Colac Customer Service Centre will relocate temporarily to the Colac Visitor Information Centre located at the corner of Murray and Queen Streets.
Temporary Relocation of Customer Service
Urgent issues or incidents can be reported to Colac Otway Shire Council 24-hours a day on 5232 9400.
Council has a Domestic Wastewater Management Plan to assist with the management of on-site disposal of effluent where land is not connected to a reticulated sewerage system.
The Colac Stormwater Development Strategy is a document intended to guide management of Colac’s stormwater network into the future.
The Legal Point of Discharge (LPoD) is a point specified by Council where stormwater from a property must be discharged.
The responsibilities of landowners and Council relating to stormwater drainage.
Onsite Wastewater Management System (Septic) information and application form.
Information on water tanks on your property.