New Pet Registrations and Registration Renewals

Frank the border collie

All dogs and cats must be microchipped and registered to their local council by the time they are three (3) months old under state legislation.

New dog or cat registrations

You can register your new cat or dog online using the eService portal or download the Animal Registration Form.(PDF, 274KB)

Under the provisions of the Domestic Animals Act 1994, the “Registered Owner” of a dog or cat must be aged 18 years or older. 

When completing your new animal's registration, please provide a copy of all relevant documents including:
• Proof of microchip
• Sterilisation certificate
• Concession details (if applicable)

Please note: You will need digital copies of these documents to register your animal online. If a copy of all relevant documents are not provided, this may prevent you from receiving a reduced fee or we may not be able to accept the registration.

You will receive a lifetime tag for your pet which must go on its collar. Lost or damaged tags will be replaced at one of our offices for a fee of $2.

Registrations for the following animals cannot be completed online and must be submitted at a Customer Service Centre:
• Working Dogs,
• Dangerous Dogs, and
• Guide, Assistance or Federal/State Dogs.
Download the Animal Registration form(PDF, 274KB)

Renewing your pet registration

Animal registrations must be renewed by 10 April each year.

Council sends a letter to all registered pet owners in the shire to remind them when they need to renew. 

Registration fees are outlined below. You can pay your registration renewal using our online eServices payment method.

You can receive your animal registration notice electronically.


  • Enjoy the convenience of viewing, receiving and printing your Animal Registration Notices via email
  • Check your Animal Registration Notice anytime and print, save or email

Click on the link below to sign up. To register for eNotices, you will require your latest Animal Registration Notice that has your unique eNotice reference number located on the front of the notice:

eNotice Login 

Registration Fees

PCC Back 1200 dpi.png To be eligible for a concession you must hold either a Centrelink Pension Card or Department of Veteran Affairs Pension Card.

Dog registrations




Microchipped only



Microchipped & desexed



Over 10 years of age



Dogs kept for breeding by the proprietor of a domestic animal business conducted on a registered premises



Dogs registered with an applicable organisation, if their owners are members of the applicable organisation with which the dogs are registered (proof required)



Dogs that have undergone obedience training which complies with the regulations



Dog kept for working stock



Declared dangerous & menacing dog



Cat registrations




Microchipped only



Microchipped & desexed



Over 10 years of age



Cats kept for breeding by the proprietor of a domestic animal business conducted on a registered premises



Cats registered with an applicable organisation, if their owners are members of the applicable organisation with which the cats are registered (proof required)






Microchipping Your Pets

Council has a better chance of finding your lost cats and dogs if they are registered and microchipped.

Registered pets are also less likely to be impounded, saving you impound fees of up to $70 per animal and boarding fees of $20 per animal per day.

Fines might also apply.

You can transfer pet ownership microchip details online at Central Animal Records. There is a charge for detail transfer.


Desexing Your Pet

Council encourages responsible pet ownership by providing a discounted registration fee for desexed pets.

Bring the appropriate desexing documentation from your pet’s vet, along with your registration form, to one of our offices to receive this discount.

You are also able to apply for an Animal Registration Desexed Refund(PDF, 228KB) if your animal is under the age of 6 months and within three months of registering your animal.


State Government Levy

It is a requirement that Council charge the State Government Levy of $4.39 per registration.  This Levy is primarily used to fund responsible pet ownership educational programs and is included in the registration fee.  Fees help pay for services such as collecting stray and feral animals, operating the pound and prosecuting dog attacks.


Important Information

All dogs and cats at three (3) months of age must be registered.

All new animals registrations must also be microchipped.

Once your registration fee is paid, this notice will be deemed to be your certificate of registration. Your animal tag is not valid until payment is made.

Replacement tags are available from the Colac Otway Shire customer service centres. A $2.00 fee is payable for replacement tags.

Penalties apply for:

  • Failure to apply to register a dog or cat.
  • Dog or cat found wandering at large during daytime/night-time.
  • Your dog and cat must wear the registration tag provided at all times, to ensure the ownership of the animal can be quickly traced.
  • The owner of any dog which rushes at, attacks, chases any person or attacks another animal causes an injury.
  • Your dog or cat must not cause a nuisance.