Pest & Problem Animals

Report wandering animals

Wandering livestock, pets and pest animals can pose a danger to public safety.

Protect your livestock and pets, and avoid impoundment fees, by keeping them secured on your property.

If you see any animals roaming on streets or roads, or which appear to be at risk of wandering from a property, make a report to Council on (03) 5232 9400. This is particularly important if you spot any dangerous dogs wandering the streets.

What if I find unattended stock on the road?

Stock wandering on the road can be a risk to road users. 

For stock on a highway (Princes Hwy, Hamilton Hwy, Glenelg Hwy and Great Ocean Road), call Transport Victoria: 13 11 70

Victoria Police - 24 hours:  000

Colac Otway Shire 

If you find wandering stock on roads other than the major highways you can contact Council’s Local Laws-Community Safety Unit on (03) 5232 9400.

After hours (emergency): 5232 9400.

Feral and pest animals

Feral animals threaten our native wildlife.

Foxes, rabbits, domestic animals, and even the family pet may prey on wildlife or compete for food. There are some 20 introduced mammals and two bird species considered pests under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 that have caused both environmental and economic damage. The absence of natural predators and our temperate climate has enabled these animals to thrive in a wide range of environments. They may dominate a site and displace many native plants and animals, contributing to a severe decline in biodiversity.

Under the Catchment and Land Protection Act landowners are responsible for controlling pest animals on their property. As with noxious weeds, penalties can occur if control works are not carried out. There are a range of vermin control techniques available. However, not all will be suitable for your situation. Ensure you study your options carefully before deciding which is right for you.

Remember that help is always available. For advice on the control of vermin, contact Agriculture Victoria on 136 186 or online at



Cat traps

Cats wandering the neighbourhood at night can become a problem and are a threat to our native wildlife. 

If you have a problem cat that is often on your property, Council can provide approved cat traps for hire for $15 per week, with a $50 cash only deposit refunded when the cage is returned. Council Officers will not handle cats trapped in cages that are not of the approved type due to potential injury and Occupational Health and Safety matters.

In order to ensure trapping processes and animal welfare issues are complied with, please contact the Local Laws - Community Safety Team prior to trapping occurring. Application forms for hiring a cat trap are available on Council's local laws & compliance forms page, or you can contact the Local Laws - Community Safety Team using our convenient Submit a Request form.