Injured or Dead Animals

If you find an injured domestic animal or livestock, contact us on (03) 5232 9400.  Do not try to help the animal yourself as it might be in pain and can be unpredictable.


Injured wildlife

There are numerous options for reporting injured wildlife.

You can also contact a vet within the shire.

  • Colac Veterinary Clinic – 5232 1792
  • Murray Street Vet Clinic – 5231 3375
  • Rhodes Veterinary Clinic – 5232 2111
Dead animals

Dead animals are usually handled by either Transport Victoria or Council. However, some dead animals such as cattle, sheep and horses, can be a life-threatening danger to motorists and must be reported immediately to police.

Call the police on triple zero (000) if you see a dead animal in a location that might be a danger to other people. Otherwise you can report dead animals to Council using the Contact Us form.