Fire Danger Ratings

The Fire Danger Rating tells you how dangerous a fire would be if one started, it helps you to know when conditions are dangerous enough to put your bushfire survival plan in to action. Ratings are forecast using Bureau of Meteorology data for up to four days in advance, based on weather and other environmental conditions such as fuel load.
For current danger ratings, and what these ratings may mean for you visit the CFA’s Total Fire Bans and Ratings or Bans and Ratings FAQs.
As of 1 September 2022, Fire Danger Ratings have changed across Australia. Fire Danger Ratings provide information so people in affected areas can take action to protect themselves and others. The higher the fire danger, the more dangerous the conditions and the greater the impact will be if a fire starts.
The new system uses better technology and research to determine fire danger ratings, and was developed using feedback from one of Australia’s largest surveys of communities.
The new ratings are designed to be easier to understand and provides clear advice about actions to take.
For further information, including a link to Frequently Asked Questions, please visit the Vic Emergency website.