

Managing weeds can feel overwhelming. This information is designed to support you to prioritise your weed management efforts and get the most out of your resources. By working with your neighbours and local Landcare groups your efforts could contribute to a broader landscape approach to managing weeds in the Colac Otway Shire

A landscape approach to weed management is the most effective approach to protecting natural values and productive assets from invasive plant species   

Funding Acknowledgement

This project is funded by the Australian Government under the Communities Combating Pests and Weed Impacts During Drought Program


Planning your weed management activities - The Steps


A Message from the Victorian Blackberry Taskforce


A Message from the Victorian Gorse Taskforce


Weed Management Resources

Weed Management Information

This website has many useful resources for identifying and managing weeds, including:

  • Weeds of National Significance 

This is a list of widespread weeds that the Australian Government has deemed cause significant impacts to productive systems e.g. gorse, blackberry and willows.  

There are also management guides for several Weeds of National Significance available on the Weeds Australia website, such as the Blackberry weed management guide

  • Identification tips for key target weed species that are considered a high priority by the Australian government (mostly species that impact on agricultural production) 

Weed Species Identification 

Victorian Weed Identification and Information (Agriculture Victoria)

Alphabetical list of Victoria’s priority weed species. Key information for each species is provided, including:

  • plant biology
  • growth and lifecycle
  • growth calendar (and when to treat)
  • impact
  • prescribed measures for the control of noxious weeds. 


Weed Species Identification

Weed profiles to help you identify the key target weed species on your property that are considered a high priority by government (usually species that impact on agricultural production). Including a weed species identification tool for weed species that are on a national or state weed list. Allows you to choose: 

  • Weed type – tree, shrub, vine, herb, grass, aquatic, succulent.
  • Flower colour 
  • State/Territory. 

Victorian Priority Weeds

Victorian Declared Noxious Weeds List (Agriculture Victoria)

Status definitions of declared noxious weeds in Victoria are as follows: 

  • State Prohibited Weed = these species do not occur in Victoria, but pose a significant threat if they invade / are introduced and you must notify Ag Vic if seen. 
  • Regionally Prohibited Weeds = these species are not widely distributed in a region but are capable of spreading further and must be eradicated. 
  • Regionally Controlled Weeds = these species are usually widespread in a region and spread must be prevented. 
  • Restricted Weeds = these species pose an unacceptable risk of spreading in this State and are a serious threat to another State or Territory of Australia. Trade in these weeds and their propagules, either as plants, seeds or contaminants in other materials is prohibited. 

Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Information

Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation 

Provides email contact details for Natural Resource Management enquiries. It is important that you contact Eastern Maar if you are planning to conduct weed management activities that involve heavy machinery ripping large weeds from the ground well in advance of carrying out the activities in order to avoid disturbing cultural heritage sites

 Aboriginal Victoria 

Information and the process around complying with the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006. First Step: Contact Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation as the Registered Aboriginal Party in the Colac Otway Shire region. Contact details above.

Weed Control Method Information

 Weed Control Methods Overview (Agriculture Victoria)

Overview of weed control methods and when it is appropriate to use them. 

Woody Weed Control Video (Biosecurity Queensland)

YouTube video on how to cut and paint a woody weed using herbicide. Video duration: 20 seconds. 

Woody Weed Control Video (Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare Group)

YouTube video on how to cut and paint a woody weed using herbicide. Video duration: 3 minutes. 

Biosecurity - Reducing the Spread of Weeds

Arrive Clean, Leave Clean - Biosecurity Advice (Australian Government)

Arrive Clean, Leave Clean booklet. While the booklet has been produced to protect native bushland from the introduction of weeds and plant diseases it includes principles and practices you can use on your own property to reduce the spread of weeds onto your property and around your property.

Revegetation Advice

VicVeg Online - Victorian Best Practice Native Vegetation Management 

This site includes three key sections: 

  • Plantscapes – assists you to identify the different types of native vegetation in your area; 
  • Plant Species – lists native plants of your region; and 
  • Tools and Techniques – provides ways of growing native plants and managing your native vegetation. 

Local Native Nurseries 

Contact your local native nursery for access to advice and native plants for your revegetation projects. It is recommended to include competition with preferable plant species in your overall weed management planning. 

Victorian Weed Taskforces 

Victorian Blackberry Taskforce

Extensive resources and case studies on different control methods for tackling blackberry on your property. 

Victorian Gorse Taskforce

 Extensive resources and case studies on different control methods for tackling gorse on your property. =

Local Advice and Contracting Services

Landcare Networks and Groups – search your location on the Landcare Victoria Gateway

Access advice on techniques, identification, prioritisation, resources, funding opportunities and local landholders also tackling weed management by contacting a local Landcare Network Coordinator. 

Local Weed Control Contractors

Consider engaging professional weed management contractors to conduct the control methods. This is highly recommended to ensure PPE and health and safety is followed for chemical use. It is likely that you will gain greater efficiencies of resource investment by engaging professionals to conduct weed control activities, particularly for large-scale or initial treatments. 

Mapping & Monitoring as Management Tools

How to Create a Property Map with Google Maps (Video) 

This ‘how to’ video has been created by the Oregon State University Extension Service.  

You need to have a Google Account to use this tool. Video duration: 9 minutes. 

You can also use this mapping tool to note what actions have been taken and what you plan next.

Photopoint Monitoring Guide (by BushTender, Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment)

Instructions and tips on how to set-up and take photopoint monitoring – a series of photos taken from the same location over a period of time to monitor the changes in that area.  

Victorian Statutory Authorities 

Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (CCMA)

You may require a Works on Waterways Permit for use of machinery near waterways.