Rabbit Management


Managing rabbits can feel overwhelming. This information is designed to support you to carry out your rabbit management activities in the most effective way possible to ensure a successful outcomeBy working with your neighbours and local Landcare groups your efforts could contribute to a broader landscape approach to managing rabbits in the Colac Otway Shire.

The ultimate outcomes of effective rabbit management are protecting environmental, social and economic assets

Funding Acknowledgement

This project is funded by the Australian Government under the Communities Combating Pests and Weed Impacts During Drought Program.

Planning Your Rabbit Management Activities in Colac Otway Shire

Planning your Rabbit Management Activities - The Steps

Planning Your Rabbit Management Activities - The Steps(PDF, 640KB)


Planning Your Rabbit Management Activities - The Checklist

Planning Your Rabbit Management Activities - The Checklist(PDF, 663KB)




Rabbit Management Resources List

General Rabbit Management

Established Invasive Animals - Rabbits Information (Agriculture Victoria)

General rabbit management information, including rabbit biology and behaviour. Also involves an overview of management techniques including specifications for rabbit-exclusion fencing. 

Victorian Rabbit Action Network (VRAN)

Resources and videos on effective rabbit management approaches, including in cultural heritage sites. 


Various resources under the process headings of: 

  • Learn –  Biocontrol; Rabbit legislation in Australia; and, Assessing the humaneness of different rabbit control methods. 
  • Act – Glovebox Guide for Managing Rabbits; Video demonstration of warren ripping; Further information on how to conduction fumigation; and, manual on monitoring techniques.  Plus a list of Standard Operating Procedures for rabbit control. 
  • Connect – a number of videos of methods and interviews. 


Local Advice

Landcare Networks and Groups – search your location on the Landcare Victoria Gateway 

Access advice, resources, funding opportunities and local landholders also tackling rabbit management by contacting a local Landcare Network Coordinator. 


Aboriginal cultural heritage

Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation 

Lists an email address as contact details for Natural Resource Management (NRM) enquiries. 

It is important that you contact Eastern Maar if you are exploring whether it will be possible to conduct rabbit warren ripping well in advance of carrying out the ripping activities in order to avoid disturbing cultural heritage sites. 

Aboriginal Victoria

Information and the process around complying with The Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006. 

First Step: Contact Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation as the Registered Aboriginal Party in the Colac Otway Shire region. Contact details above. 


Identification of rabbits


How to accurately identify whether you have rabbits on your property, under the heading ‘Is it a rabbit, hare or bilby?’ 


Warren Ripping Near Waterways

Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (CCMA)

You may require a Works on Waterways Permit for rabbit warren ripping near waterways


Rabbit Control Methods


Firearms Regulations

Firearms Legislation 2018

State legislation on shooting rabbits - Legislation and Regulation and Licencing around fire arms in Victoria. 

Including, providing licenced firearm holders with the requirements they must comply with during shooting, such as distances from roads and dwellings. 

Monitoring Rabbits 

Rabbit Scan 

RabbitScan is a free resource for landholders, community groups and pest controllers, to record and map rabbit activity, warrens, damage, and control activities in their local area. RabbitScan can also be used to record evidence of rabbit disease, such as RHDV. 

Local Native Nurseries 

Contact your Local Land Network coordinator for recommendations and consider using tree guards to protect your revegetation projects from rabbit damage. 

Local Pest Control Contractors

Consider engaging professional pest management contractors to conduct the control methods. This is highly recommended to ensure PPE and health and safety is followed for chemical use. It is likely that you will gain greater efficiencies of resource investment by engaging professionals to conduct pest control activities, particularly for large-scale or initial treatments. Ask your Local Landcare Network Coordinator for recommendations of Local Contractors in your area that conduct rabbit control activities.