Works Within a Road Reserve
A works within road reserve permit is required prior to any works being undertaken on Council managed road reserves within the Colac Otway Shire. This is to ensure that Council's road reserves are protected and reinstated to their original state after works have been carried out in the road reserve.
Examples of activities requiring a permit include:
- Stormwater drainage and installations - (Legal Point of Discharge)
- Vehicle crossing construction and modification
- Footpath and kerbing replacement
- Water supply and sewer connections
- Insulation of public utilities
- Road works
- Tree planting/removal
- Structures on nature strips/road reserves.
How to apply for a permit
To apply for a permit to work within a Council road-reserve, complete and return the Application Form(PDF, 585KB) to:
- Email –
- Post - Colac Otway Shire, PO Box 283, COLAC VIC 3250
- Bring the form to a Council Customer Service Centre
The completed application form should be accompanied by a public liability certificate of currency (min. $20 Million), a plan of the proposed works and the application fee prescribed on the form.
The applicant should receive the permit, including conditions within 14 days of the complete application being received by Council.
The contractor/works manager is responsible to undertake all reinstatement of affected infrastructure to Council standards and satisfaction.
If reinstatement work is not undertaken to Council satisfaction, Council may elect to re-instate or rectify any defects at the cost of the contractor/works manager.
If you require further information, please contact Council by email
Not sure if it is a Council Road?
Council can only issue a permit to work in a road reserve on a Council road. Other road authorities, i.e. the Department of Transport and Planning, issue approvals for works to be undertaken on roads managed by them.
Information on which roads are managed by The Department of Transport and Planning can be found on Council's "Whose road is it?" page. All enquiries for works within a state-managed road reserve should be directed to the Department of Transport and Planning. Click here for more information.
Dial Before You Dig
Prior to the commencement of any works, it is recommended that a Dial Before You Dig request is completed to identify possible underground services in the works area. Requests for underground asset locations can be completed by calling dial before you dig on 1100 or at
Further Information
For further information on working within Council road reserves, please contact Council’s Infrastructure and Leisure Services Division on (03) 5232 9400 or at