2025-29 Council Plan FAQs


What is a council plan?

The Council Plan will guide council investment in facilities and infrastructure and set out what services and programs are needed to support the social, economic and environmental sustainability of the Shire.

The new Council Plan will also incorporate the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan which is focused on improving the health and wellbeing of our community. 

The Local Government Act (2020) requires council to develop a new Council Plan every four years, but we're also seeking feedback on the 2050 Community Vision which we developed through extensive community engagement in 2021.


How can I get involved?

You will have many opportunities to be involved in the development of the 2025-29 Council Plan.

This includes:

  • Having the opportunity to tell Council your ideas at pop-up events and drop-in sessions being held across the shire
  • Putting your hand up to become a member of the community panel
  • Being invited to a community focus group, and 
  • Completing our survey

How will you use my feedback?

Your feedback will be used to shape Colac Otway Shire Council's priorities for the next four years ensuring we provide services and activities that meet the ongoing needs of the Colac Otway community.

What about my privacy?

We won't ask for your name or contact details, but we will ask you questions about your demographics to help us understand if we are hearing from people who represent our community.

You can read Council's Information Privacy Policy on our website.

Who is Dench McClean Carlson (DMC)?

Dench McClean Carlson Corporate Advisory has been engaged by Colac Otway Shire Council to develop and facilitate the community engagement process for the 2025-29 Council Plan.

DMCCA is an independent advisory company who work with local government organisations to developed strategies and plans without bias.