Corporate Public Documents

(PDF, 186KB)



Meeting Agendas, Reports to Council and Minutes - Council and Delegated Committees  Agendas and Minutes
 Governance Rules  Governance Rules (PDF, 518KB)
Audit and Risk Committee Charter  Charter 2025(PDF, 573KB)

Terms of Reference:

  1. Delegated Committees
  2. Community Asset Committees
  3. Advisory Committees of Council

  1. Page detail under review
  2. Draft Induction Guide(PDF, 2MB)
  3. Page detail under review
 Gift Registers for Councillors and Council Staff Gifts and Benefits Register(PDF, 133KB)
 Travel Registers for Councillors and Council Staff Page detail under review
 Registers of Leases entered into by Council Web-Lease-and-Licence-Register-Current-Version.pdf(PDF, 298KB)

 Register of Authorisations and Delegations - available upon request

 S5 Instrument of Delegation to Chief Executive Officer

 S6 Instrument of Delegation - Members of Staff

 S7 Instrument of Sub-Delegation by CEO

 S12 Municipal Building Surveyor Package

 S13 Instrument of Delegation of CEO powers, duties and functions

 S14 Instrument of Delegation by CEO for VicSmart Applications under the Planning and Environment Act 1987

 S16 Instrument of Delegation for Bushfire Reconstruction Applications under the Planning and Environment Act 1987

 S20A Instrument of Delegation (Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005)


December 2023(PDF, 717KB)

December 2023 

December 2023

December 2023

December 2023


December 2023

December 2023

December 2023

 Register of Election Campaign Donations  2024 Election Summary(PDF, 117KB)
 Summary of Personal Interests

Summary - December 2024(PDF, 138KB)

 Councillors Allowances - Category 2  Mayor, deputy mayor and councillors

 Any other Registers or Records required by the Act or any other Act

Other links:

Planning Committee - Instrument of Delegation (Delegated Committee)(PDF, 1MB)

Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012

Details on this legislation can be found here

The Colac Otway Shire Council Public Interest Disclosure Procedures(PDF, 229KB) can be accessed by clicking on the link.