Advisory Committees

Audit and Risk Committee

Audit and Risk Committee

The Colac Otway Shire Audit and Risk Committee was established by Council at its meeting on 26 August 2020, as required under section 53 of the Local Government Act 2020 (Act).

The Audit and Risk Committee plays an important role in providing a structured, systematic oversight of Colac Otway Shire Council’s governance, risk management, internal control practices, internal and external audit functions.

This oversight mechanism also serves to provide confidence in the integrity of these practices.

The ARC assists the Council and management by providing independent advice and guidance on the adequacy of initiatives for:

  • Values and behaviours (What We Stand For)
  • Governance structure
  • Risk management
  • Internal control framework
  • Oversight of the internal audit activity, external auditors and other providers of assurance
  • Financial and performance statements and public accountability reporting.

The Audit and Risk Committee is advisory in nature (has no decision making powers) and considers and makes recommendations to the Council and its management on many issues.


The Audit and Risk Committee meets five times a year. Committee meetings are closed to members of the public.


Independent members

  • Melissa Field (Chair): first appointed on 1 December 2021. End of current term - 1 October 2025
  • Richard Trigg: appointed on 1 December 2020. End of current term – 30 November 2026
  • John Gavens: appointed on 1 December 2023. End of current term – 30 November 2026
  • John Sutherland: appointed 1 December 2023. End of current term - 30 November 2025

The maximum term of an independent Audit and Risk Committee member is three (3) terms, or nine (9) years.

Councillor representatives

  • Councillor Jason Schram. 
  • Councillor Phil Howard.

Councillor appointments to the Audit and Risk Committee are reviewed in November each year.

Refer to the Audit and Risk Committee Charter here: Audit and Risk Committee Charter(PDF, 573KB)

Submissions Committee

Submissions Committee

The Submissions Committee was established by Council on 26 August 2020.

The purpose of the Committee is to hear any person wishing to make a verbal submission in response to a public consultation process advertising the opportunity (whether statutory or otherwise). The Committee is advisory in nature and has no decision making powers. This means the Committee (after hearing any person who has requested to address the Committee) may only make recommendations to Council, which then makes a determination.


Meetings of the Submissions Committee are held on an ‘as needs’ basis.


Membership of the Submissions Committee comprises all Councillors.

For more information, refer to the Submissions Committee Terms of Reference(PDF, 127KB)

Chief Executive Officer Employment Matters Advisory Committee

Chief Executive Officer Employment Matters Advisory Committee

The Chief Executive Officer Employment Matters Advisory Committee was established by Council on 28 November 2018.

The purpose of the Committee is to assist the Council in fulfilling its responsibilities concerning Chief Executive Officer employment matters, being:

  • The recruitment and appointment of the Chief Executive Officer.
  • Determining the Chief Executive Officer’s Performance Plan (Plan).
  • Assessing the Chief Executive Officer’s performance against set criteria in the Plan.
  • Determining the remuneration of the Chief Executive Officer.

The Committee is advisory in nature and has no delegated authority to make decisions which bind the Council.


The Chief Executive Officer Employment Matters Advisory Committee meets at least six monthly, and more frequently as required. Committee meetings are closed to members of the public.


Councillor representatives

Membership of the Chief Executive Officer Employment Matters Advisory Committee comprises all Councillors.

Independent member

  • Bill Millard

For more information, refer to the Chief Executive Officer Employment Matters Advisory Committee Terms of Reference(PDF, 256KB) and the Chief Executive Officer Employment and Remuneration Policy(PDF, 194KB)