Urgent issues or incidents can be reported to Colac Otway Shire Council 24-hours a day on 5232 9400.
Find out how you can contact Colac Otway Shire Council 24 hours/7 days.
Council's Colac Customer Service Centre has been temporarily relocated to the Colac Visitor Information Center.
Use Council's Submit a Request form to alert us to a non-urgent issue or concern.
Council is always looking at ways to improve our service. You can give a compliment, or raise a concern with us.
Colac Otway Shire is an unsubdivided municipality with seven elected Councillors. Councillors serve a term of four years.
The Communications Department deals with all media enquiries, including for the Mayor and Councillors.
Fill in and submit an online enquiry form here.
Ways you can contact council to update your details.
Change of Business Name, Change of Ownership or Change of Contact Details
Make a booking with Council, including halls, sports grounds and open spaces that are managed by Council.