Youth Music Hour at Gellibrand River Market!

2025 Youth Music Hour.png

Youth musicians/singers - this is your chance to perform! 

We're looking for Colac Otway musicians/singers aged 12-25 to perform at an upcoming Youth Music Hour at Gellibrand River Market on Sunday, 23 February 2025. 

Performance times between 10:00am - 11:00am.

Submit your interest via the form below!
Contact details of solo musician or main duo/trio/band contact
Please select the option that best describes you. * (required)
Performance time preference * (required)
Thank you for your expression of interest to perform at the upcoming Youth Music Hour at the Gellibrand River Market. Please confirm the following:
I confirm, * (required)
I grant the Colac Otway Shire Council permission to list my solo, duo, trio or band name on promotional marketing. * (required)
I grant the Colac Otway Shire Council and agents the right to take photographs of youth musicians during the event. These images may be used for promotional purposes only. I waive any rights to compensation or ownership of these images. * (required)
Would you like to be notified of other future Colac Otway Shire youth events/opportunities? * (required)