Events Grants


Council supports two types of Events Grants:

Events are any organised activity held on public or private land where an open area, facility, venue, road or temporary structure is to be used by more people than are usually found in that location.

Events can include but are not limited to:

  • Cultural, Historical, Artistic (theatre, visual), Culinary, Sporting, Environmental
  • Festivals, Live music events and performances
  • Markets, Cinema in the park, Carnivals, Exhibitions, Community fair/shows


Community Events

Events must benefit Colac Otway Shire’s residents and businesses and have a strong community focus. Events should enhance the region’s profile, develop community cooperation and cohesion, build local skills, provide social opportunities or in other ways have a positive impact on the local community.

  • Grants up to $5,000 to provide support for established events
  • Grants up to $2,000 to provide support for new or one-off events
  • COPACC Hire Assistance grants available for up to 50% of the cost of standard room hire at COPACC for the provision of performing arts and cultural activities.  Maximum $5,000.

Grants require a matching dollar for dollar cash and/or in-kind contribution.  In-kind contributions should be calculated from activities that directly contribute to the delivery of the event. 


Tourism Events

Major events attract a significant number of out of area visitors, with major branding/promotional opportunities for the host town & Colac Otway Shire.

  • Grants up to $10,000 for major tourism events organised by local community
  • Grants up to $5,000 for major tourism events organised by commercial event organisers
  • New tourism events maximum is $5,000. Event organiser must demonstrate previous experience in major events.

Grants require a matching dollar for dollar cash and/or in-kind contribution.  In-kind contributions should be calculated from activities that directly contribute to the delivery of the event. 



To confirm your eligibility and that of your activity, please read the guidelines before applying.

You should discuss your application with us. Contact or (03) 5232 9400

Guidelines 2025/2026(PDF, 946KB)



To Apply

Applications open:    28 February 2025 at 9.00am

Applications close:    11 April 2025 by 5.00pm

Late applications cannot be accepted


 When your application has been submitted you will automatically receive a notification through SmartyGrants to confirm.

Notification of Outcomes

A decision will be made at the Council meeting on 24 June 2025. 

All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application.