Changing Places and Accessible Public Toilets

Meredith Park toilet shot.jpg

Public Toilets

Are you looking for a public toilet in Colac Otway Shire? The Federal Government's National Public Toilet Map  website has information on more than 16,000 public toilets across Australia.

The map includes information on the accessibility and opening hours of toilets, as well as facilities like showers and baby change tables.

The map is available on your mobile device or you can download the official National Public Toilet App from the iTunes App Store and Google Play

Changing Places

Our new toilets at Memorial Square is now open, included is a Changing Places.

Changing Places facilities are for people with high support needs who cannot use standard accessible toilets or disabled toilets and require assistance from a carer.

The room contains a height adjustable changing bench, ceiling tracking hoist, and an accessible toilet.

People must bring their own slings to use the hoist system.

Changing Places facilities are kept locked and a key issued to regular users/carers. The key is an MLAK key that can be used nation wide.

It is important keys are only provided to genuine users of the facility to deter misuse or vandalism.

In the event someone leaves their key at home and needs to use the facility they will be able to call Council on 03 5232 9400 and be advised where they can borrow a key from.

More information about the Changing Places facility at Memorial Square Colac can be found here.