No longer on display. Expired on
12 February 2024, 02:00 PM
Council hereby gives Notice of its Intention to Dispose of Lot 1, 8 – 16 Great Ocean Road, Lavers Hill (the property). Council also gives notice of its intention to negotiate with adjoining property owners who are eligible to consolidate the property into an existing Certificate of Title.
Council invites written submission from members of the public as to the intention to dispose of the property (public consultation).
Written submissions should be clearly marked as “Notice of its Intention to Dispose of Lot 1, 8 – 16 Great Ocean Road, Lavers Hill” and can be submitted in a variety of ways:
- Send an email to
- Hand-deliver a written submission to Council’s Customer Service Centre in Colac (2-6 Rae Street) or Apollo Bay at GORVIC (100 Great Ocean Road).
- Post a submission to Colac Otway Shire Council, PO Box 283, Colac, VIC, 3250.
Submissions must be lodged prior to 2pm on Monday 12 February 2024.
Please state in your written submission if you wish to be heard at an upcoming Submissions Committee meeting.
Submitters should note that unless a submitter requests to the contrary, copies of submissions (including the submitter’s name) may also be included in the Council meeting agenda, which are a permanent public record, and published on Council’s website for an indefinite period.