No longer on display. Expired on
10 June 2016, 11:59 PM
The development of a master plan for Gellibrand's Rex Norman Park will guide future development, upgrades and renewal within the park based on the community's advice and feedback for how they would like to see the park used in the future. The attached draft master plan report and concept plan has been developed based on significant consultation with the Gellibrand and district community provides a vision for the park space and reflects the needs and aspirations of the local community.
The key improvements for Rex Norman Park identified through the consultation process and reflected in the attached draft master plan and concept plans include:
- picnic seating and tables,
- kids play area (especially more climbing/more adventure/more for older kids),
- shaded areas,
- skate facility, and
- improved barbecue area.
At its 27 April 2016 Council meeting, Council endorsed that the draft Gellibrand Rex Norman Park Master Plan be placed on public exhibition in accordance with Council's Community Engagement Policy until Friday 10 June 2016.
Council's Recreation & Open Space Coordinator wants to hear from you about the project. Please provide comments and feedback on whether you like the ideas and what is being proposed, what you don't like, or whether you would use the park more if these elements were at Gellibrand's Rex Norman Park. Please email your responses to by Friday 10 June 2016.