No longer on display. Expired on
22 March 2024, 02:00 PM
Council invites Expressions of Interest from entities that wish to take ownership of the property at 69 McLachlan Street, Apollo Bay (former Apollo Bay Kindergarten) to ensure future and ongoing community use of the property.
Submitters must be, or propose to be, an eligible entity under SECT 116 of The Local Government Act 2020 (transfer, exchange or lease of land without consideration), being:
(a) the Crown; or
(b) a Minister; or
(c) any public body; or
(d) the trustees appointed under any Act to be held on trust for public or municipal purposes; or
(e) a public hospital within the meaning of the Health Services Act 1988 or other hospital carried on by an association or society otherwise than for profit or gain to the members of the association or society.
A copy of the Expression of Interest document can be downloaded from Council’s e-procure website at
The Expression of Interest process closes at 2pm (AEST) on 22 March 2024. Submissions may be lodged through the e-procure portal only. Late, posted or emailed Expression of Interest submissions will not be considered.
Anne Howard
Chief Executive