No longer on display. Expired on
22 October 2021, 05:00 PM
The purpose of the Colac Otway Shire Council Sustainability Policy is to describe and affirm Council's commitment to environmental sustainability.
If adopted, the policy will inform decision-making and development of all policy, strategy and plans as well as the safe delivery of Council's services, operations and the actions of contractors, volunteers and staff alike.
The reviewed Colac Otway Shire Environmental Sustainability Policy represents a high-level commitment to sustainability and refreshes and consolidates Council's organisational approach. The policy aims to establish a common understanding of sustainability within Council and to help focus on actions leading to enhanced environmental outcomes.
The Environmental Sustainability Policy forms a documented organisational commitment and (if adopted) will serve as a 'Statement of Intent' that might be used to community to the community and Colac Otway Shire Council staff a commitment to continually improving environmental sustainability over time.
The review of the Environmental Sustainability Policy reformats the original policy document (original policy endorsed and adopted by Council in June 2012) in line with the current approved Council template and highlight's Council's commitment and actions to combat the impacts of climate change through mitigation and adaptation.
Hard copies are available to view during COVID-19 lockdown restrictions by contacting Customer Assist on on 5232 9400.
View the policy and associated documents via the following links:
D21-171482-20.1-Environmental-Sustainability-Policy-Colac-Otway-Reviewed-Final-202108136.pdf(PDF, 1MB)
Environmental-Sustainability-Framework-Colac-Otway-Final-2021.pdf(PDF, 807KB)
Feedback on the Environmental and Sustainability Policy can be:
Emailed to:
Mailed to: PO Box 283, Colac VIC 3250
The policy and related Environmental Sustainability Framework for a six-week public consultation period, in line with Council's Community Engagement Policy. Submissions close at 5.00pm Friday 22 October, 2021
Any feedback received from the exhibition and consultation period will be considered by Council at a future Councillor Briefing and Council meeting.