No longer on display. Expired on
05 August 2024, 05:00 PM
Colac Botanic Gardens are at the centre of local town life, a place for everyone to enjoy and a point of connection to Lake Colac.
A wonderful place to visit and spend time, the Gardens are loved by people across generations. The Gardens offer public space and recreational opportunities for walking, relaxing, eating, botanical interests, community events and play - all near Lake Colac. The Gardens are also a place of beauty which the Colac Otway community are passionate about in their connection and love of the space. A stunning botanical landscape, the Gardens history is embedded in the network of botanic gardens established across regional Victoria in the 19th century. The pride of Colac Otway residents in their Botanic Gardens is clear, with a request to share the Gardens with others, both local and visitors.
The Draft Botanic Gardens Master Plan has been developed through extensive consultation with the community, businesses, stakeholders and public agencies. This feedback has been used to guide the preparation of the plan - the Gardens Master Plan will be Council’s roadmap to guide its actions for the Gardens for the next twenty years.
The Draft Botanic Gardens Master Plan is now on exhibition with the community invited to provide feedback.
Make your submission
Please indicate in your submission if you'd like to speak to your submission in-person at a future Council meeting.
Submissions have now closed.