Combined Amendment C111cola & Planning Permit Application PP219/2020

No longer on display. Expired on 21 January 2022, 05:00 PM

The combined amendment request and planning permit application is made by the owner of Red Rock Regional Art Gallery and Theatre, Cororooke.

The land affected by the Amendment is 30 Factory Road Cororooke. 

The land affected by the application is 30 Factory Road and 520 Corangamite Lake Road Cororooke. 

The Amendment proposes to rezone 4274 square metres of land at 30 Factory Road Cororooke from Farming Zone to Township Zone. 

The planning permit application is for a permit for re-subdivision of the land into three lots; extensions and alterations to buildings and associated works; construction of a car park and fence; use of land for a food and drink premises; on-premises liquor license; temporary use of land as a store (storage of tram car); alteration of access to a road in a Road Zone Category 1; display of signage; reduction of bicycle parking requirements. 

A copy of the amendment and planning permit application documents are available at the following link:

DELWP Combined Amendment C111cola & PP219/2020-1

The closing date for written submissions is 21 January 2022. Please include your name, address, email address and phone number with your submission.  Submissions may be emailed to or mailed to:

Strategic Planning
Colac Otway Shire
PO Box 283
Colac VIC 3250

If you have any questions, please contact Strategic Planning on 5232 9400.