Colac Visitor Servicing Review

No longer on display. Expired on 01 July 2024, 05:00 PM

Council is inviting submissions from local businesses and the community on a Discussion Paper that summarises findings to date from the Colac Visitor Servicing Review.

The Discussion Paper provides an overview of the region and the role of tourism organisations as well as current service provision.

The Discussion Paper explores changes in visitor behaviour and uses examples of success in other locations to provide multiple options for future service delivery of visitor services in Colac Otway.


Local business and community feedback on the future provision of visitor services is sought to guide Council’s consideration on servicing visitors to Colac. Consultation is sought to explore the following topics:

  1. Colac as a tourist destination is limited by the number of attractions, amount and range of visitor accommodation options as well as limited interpretive information about the destination. These factors limit the potential economic opportunities from visitor servicing. Considering this, should Council invest in visitor servicing for Colac?
  2. Given the greatest impact on visitor behaviour is when a person is planning their trip, should Council invest more resources into aiming to influence a traveller during the planning stage?
  3. Considering the performance of the current visitor service, including the cost of service delivery, visitor trends and what other destinations are doing, what models of visitor servicing would most benefit Colac in the future and why?


Make your submission

Drop In

Community Session

  • Tuesday 4 June 2024
  • 5.15pm to 7pm


Business Workshop

  • Thursday 6 June 2024
  • 5.15pm to 7pm

Please register for the workshop by email to

These drop-in sessions will be held at the Colac Otway Performing Arts and Cultural Centre (COPACC), 95 - 97 Gellibrand Street, Colac.



Email your submission to:


Send your submission to:

Colac Otway Shire Council
PO Box 283
Colac VIC 3250

In Person

Visit one of Council's Customer Service Centres

    2-6 Rae Street, Colac

Apollo Bay
   100 Great Ocean Road (GORVIC), Apollo Bay

Submissions close at 5pm, Monday 1 July 2024.