No longer on display. Expired on
07 October 2016, 11:59 PM
Colac Otway Shire Council gives notice of its intention to enter into a Lease with Showbiz Pty Ltd for the provision of cinema services at COPACC under Section 190 of the Local Government Act 1989 (the ‘Act’). The property is located at 95-97 Gellibrand Street, Colac.
The proposed lease is prepared under the Local Government Act 1989 with the following terms:
Rent: $100,000 pa (incl GST).
Lease term: 5 years.
Option: 2 options of 5 years.
Special Condition: Provides a 5 day per week cinema service during non-peak times, reverting to 7 day per week service during school and public holidays.
Any person may make a submission relating to the proposal in writing to the Chief Executive Officer, PO Box 283, Colac, Victoria 3250. All submissions will be considered in accordance with Section 223 of the Act and must be submitted by 7 October 2016. People requesting to be heard in support of their submission are entitled to do so (or be represented) and will be notified of the time and date of the hearing.
For further information contact Ian Seuren, Manager Arts and Leisure on (03) 5232 9476 or email