Proposal for New Designated Bus Parking - Murray/Grant Streets Colac

No longer on display. Expired on 24 January 2025, 05:00 PM

Proposed Parking Alteration - Grant Murray Street_2.png

Council is currently seeking community and business-owner’s feedback regarding designated bus parking along Murray and Grant Street. Feedback from some community members has indicated that navigating the area has become difficult for local drivers to park, as many parking spaces are being occupied by tourist buses and coaches. In response to this concern, Council is exploring different parking solutions to facilitate designated bus parking in Murray Street and Grant Street.


The proposed solution is to convert three car parking spaces in front of 229-239 Murray Street into two new bus parking spaces and, similarly, convert three car parking spaces on Grant Street adjacent to the intersection into two designated bus parking spaces (see attached plan). These changes aim to provide a quick and convenient option for customers and tourists to access businesses, improve overall mobility, and create a designated area for bus parking.

This proposal is open for community feedback from Monday 6 to Friday 24 January 2025.

Submissions close at 5pm on Friday 24 January 2025.

Online Survey

Do you support the proposed new designated bus parking initiative?


Please email your submission to: providing Council with the following:


Contact Phone Number

Email address

Please advise if you do (or don't) support the proposed new designated bus parking initiative (Yes or No)?

If you don't support the designated bus parking proposal, please tell us why.

Please provide any additional comments you wish to make about the proposal. 


Please send your feedback on the proposal for new designated bus parking on Murray and Grant Street, Colac to to:

Colac Otway Shire Council
PO Box 283
Colac VIC 3250

Please include the following information in your submission:


Contact Phone Number

Email address

Please advise if you do (or don't) support the proposed new designated bus parking initiative (Yes or No)?

If you don't support the designated bus parking proposal, please tell us why.

Please provide any additional comments you wish to make about the proposal. 



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