The Colac Customer Service Centre will relocate temporarily to the Colac Visitor Information Centre located at the corner of Murray and Queen Streets.
Temporary Relocation of Customer Service
Urgent issues or incidents can be reported to Colac Otway Shire Council 24-hours a day on 5232 9400.
The Port of Apollo Bay harbour is an important feature of both Apollo Bay and the wider Colac Otway Shire community. The working port is part of Apollo Bay’s identity, generating economic benefits for both the town and region, while helping draw thousands of tourists to the stunning coastal hamlet each year.
Colac Otway Shire was responsible for the management, operations and maintenance of the Port of Apollo Bay from when it assumed control from the Port of Geelong in 1995 until 2024. Funding for port operations and maintenance is provided by the Department of Transport & Planning (Victoria), supplementing revenue generated from port fees.
Call 0418 320 441 for up-to-date information regarding navigation or berthing.
Notices to Mariners (NTM) for all Victorian waters including the Port of Apollo Bay can be found at the VRCA website:
The Port of Apollo Bay Consultative Committee (POABCC) is the primary user and community consultative forum for the Port of Apollo Bay. Click here to read more about the Port of Apollo Bay Consultative Committee.
Port Office:
1300 736 533
Mariner Enquiries Only:
0418 320 441