No longer on display. Expired on
08 October 2018, 12:00 AM
The draft Elliminyt Recreation Reserve Master Plan has been prepared by the reserve user groups in partnership with Council. The draft Master Plan identifies the facilities which require improvement along with a prioritised and costed action plan.
The key projects within the draft Master Plan include redevelopment of the main pavilion and change rooms, an additional netball court, renewal of the velodrome, oval renovation, along with improved court and oval lighting.
The draft Master Plan is now available for community comment and Council invites anyone interested in the development of the Elliminyt Recreation Reserve to provide feedback.
Electronic copies of the strategy can be downloaded from or hard copies can be viewed at Council’s Colac customer service centre and the Colac Community Library and Learning Centre.
Comments can be emailed to with the subject heading ‘Elliminyt Recreation Reserve Master Plan’; or mailed to PO Box 283, Colac, Victoria, 3250.
Comments close on Monday 8 October 2018.
Contact details
Recreation and Open Space Coordinator
(03) 5232 9400