No longer on display. Expired on 01 December 2017, 05:00 PM

The Colac Otway Shire has released a Rating Strategy Discussion Paper for public comment.

The Discussion Paper seeks feedback from the community on what  principles it believes should be taken into consideration when preparing the 2018-2021 Rating Strategy.

The focus of the Rating Strategy is how the rates burden is shared across the community, rather than how much revenue is raised or how or where the rates revenue is spent.
Click here(PDF, 565KB) to read the Rating Strategy Discussion Paper.

To comment, you can:

(1) Access an on-line survey at:-  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DP32Z5Y

  • (2)  Email comments  to inq@colacotway.vic.gov.au  with “Rating Strategy Comments” in the subject line,  by 5.00pm on 1st December 2017.

  • (3) submit written comments  by mail to :-
    Colac Otway Shire
    PO Box 283
    COLAC  Vic  3250

 All comments are required to be submitted by 5.00pm, Friday 1st December 2017